Computer maintenance; definition, types, and importance

Какие задачи выполняются для обслуживания системы

Можно выполнить обслуживание вручную из панели управления или командой MSchedExe.exe Start и посмотреть, что при этом происходит. Для полного счастья откройте сначала диспетчер задач, а заодно монитор ресурсов на вкладке «Диск».

Так, я первым делом увидел процессорную активность процесса MsMpEng.exe. Открыв Windows Defender, я убедился в том, что выполняется быстрое сканирование . Одновременно начал мигать индикатор внешнего диска, а монитор ресурсов указал на активность в папке с изображениями. Мое предположение о том, что это дело рук истории файлов, быстро подтвердилось фильтром Process Monitor.

В любом случае вы увидите потребление ресурсов CPU процессом system, поскольку обслуживание выполняется от имени системы. В частности, в обслуживание входят еще такие задачи:

  • Автоматическое создание резервной копии реестра
  • Передача данных об использовании системы в рамках
  • Отправка
  • Оптимизация и дефрагментация дисков
  • Обновление
  • Оптимизация загрузки системы
  • Создание точки восстановления системы

Я сознательно не стал перечислять все задачи, поскольку вы можете вывести их список самостоятельно в PowerShell!

Get-ScheduledTask | Where-Object {$_.Settings.MaintenanceSettings}

Также в планировщике пробегитесь по папкам планировщика в разделе Windows, обращая внимание на время последнего запуска задания. Если задание выполнялось вскорости после запуска Manual Maintenance, оно входит в общий список задач по обслуживанию

На рисунке выше видно несколько заданий планировщика, которые система выполнила сразу после запуска единого задания обслуживания

Если задание выполнялось вскорости после запуска Manual Maintenance, оно входит в общий список задач по обслуживанию. На рисунке выше видно несколько заданий планировщика, которые система выполнила сразу после запуска единого задания обслуживания.

Впрочем, все эти задачи вовсе необязательно выполняются в полном объеме. Если вы не участвуете в CEIP или отсутствуют новые отчеты о неполадках, то и отправлять нечего. Точно так же, , она не и не будет создаваться.

How to disable Automatic Maintenance on Windows 10

Typically, Automatic Maintenance is a useful feature, and you should keep it enable to maintain your computer running smoothly, but if you’re experiencing problems, such as an unexpected impact on performance, sudden crashes, and other issues, you may want to disable this feature.

Warning: This is a friendly reminder that editing the Registry is risky, and it can cause irreversible damage to your installation if you don’t do it correctly. We recommend making a full backup of your PC before proceeding.

Although Control Panel doesn’t include an option to disable Automatic Maintenance on Windows 10, you can still accomplish this task modifying the Registry. Just use these steps:

  1. Use the Windows key + R keyboard shortcut to open the Run command.
  2. Type regedit, and click OK to open the Registry.
  3. Browse the following path:
  4. Right-click the newly created key, select New, and click on DWORD (32-bit) Value.

  1. Name the key MaintenanceDisabled and press Enter.
  2. Double-click the newly created DWORD and set the value from to 1.

  1. Click OK.
  2. Restart your computer.

After you complete these steps, you will still be able to see the «Maintenance» section and its options in Control Panel, but the schedule will not run, and clicking the «Start maintenance» option won’t do anything

At any time, you can revert the changes to enable the feature again using the same instructions, but on step No. 5, make sure to right-click the MaintenanceDisabled DWORD and select Delete to remove it.

While this guide is focused on Windows 10, this feature isn’t unique to the latest version of the OS, so you can also refer to these instructions to manage Automatic Maintenance on Windows 8.1.

What is Software Maintenance?

Software maintenance is the process of changing, modifying, and updating software to keep up with customer needs. Software maintenance is done after the product has launched for several reasons including improving the software overall, correcting issues or bugs, to boost performance, and more.  

Software maintenance is a natural part of SDLC (software development life cycle). Software developers don’t have the luxury of launching a product and letting it run, they constantly need to be on the lookout to both correct and improve their software to remain competitive and relevant.

Using the right software maintenance techniques and strategies is a critical part of keeping any software running for a long period of time and keeping customers and users happy. 

Why is software maintenance important?

Creating a new piece of software and launching it into the world is an exciting step for any company. A lot goes into creating your software and its launch including the actual building and coding, licensing models, marketing, and more. However, any great piece of software must be able to adapt to the times. 

This means monitoring and maintaining properly. As technology is changing at the speed of light, software must keep up with the market changes and demands. 

What are the 4 types of software maintenance? 

The four different types of software maintenance are each performed for different reasons and purposes. A given piece of software may have to undergo one, two, or all types of maintenance throughout its lifespan.

The four types are:
Corrective Software Maintenance
Preventative Software Maintenance 
Perfective Software Maintenance
Adaptive Software Maintenance

Corrective Software Maintenance

Corrective software maintenance is the typical, classic form of maintenance (for software and anything else for that matter). Corrective software maintenance is necessary when something goes wrong in a piece of software including faults and errors. These can have a widespread impact on the functionality of the software in general and therefore must be addressed as quickly as possible. 

Many times, software vendors can address issues that require corrective maintenance due to bug reports that users send in. If a company can recognize and take care of faults before users discover them, this is an added advantage that will make your company seem more reputable and reliable (no one likes an error message after all).

Preventative Software Maintenance

Preventative software maintenance is looking into the future so that your software can keep working as desired for as long as possible. 

This includes making necessary changes, upgrades, adaptations and more. Preventative software maintenance may address small issues which at the given time may lack significance but may turn into larger problems in the future. These are called latent faults which need to be detected and corrected to make sure that they won’t turn into effective faults. 

Perfective Software Maintenance

As with any product on the market, once the software is released to the public, new issues and ideas come to the surface. Users may see the need for new features or requirements that they would like to see in the software to make it the best tool available for their needs. This is when perfective software maintenance comes into play. 

Perfective software maintenance aims to adjust software by adding new features as necessary and removing features that are irrelevant or not effective in the given software. This process keeps software relevant as the market, and user needs, change. 

Adaptive Software Maintenance

Adaptive software maintenance has to do with the changing technologies as well as policies and rules regarding your software. These include operating system changes, cloud storage, hardware, etc. When these changes are performed, your software must adapt in order to properly meet new requirements and continue to run well. 

How to Stop Windows Automatic Maintenance

You’ve noticed that Windows Automatic Maintenance has started and want to stop it. You can do this by opening the Control Panel. Search for in the search bar and click on the Open option. Now go to System and Security> Security and Maintenance> Maintenance. Click on the dropdown menu for maintenance for more options. Under Automatic Maintenance, you should see the Stop Maintenance option if maintenance is in progress.

Stop Windows maintenance option

When you click on the Stop Maintenance option, what’ll happen is that Windows will show you the time and date the last maintenance was done. You’ll also see a message letting you know that Windows automatically schedules maintenance activities on your computer. But at what time? Below Automatic Maintenance, you will see the time and date of the last maintenance. But if your computer slows done too much because of the maintenance, you can schedule it when your workload is lighter. To change the maintenance time, click the Change Maintenance settings.

Change maintenance settings option Windows 11

On the next window, click on the dropdown menu for the Run maintenance tasks daily. You’ll see a long list of times you can choose from. Choose your new maintenance time, and you’re all set.

Run Maintenance task times on Windows 11

You can follow these steps to start or stop Windows Maintenance. But, what some users want to do is disable it. If you go into your computer’s settings, you won’t find an option to do that. You’ll need to go into the Registry. It’s always best to create a backup of the Registry if unintentional changes are made. Having a backup of everything is always something experts recommend since you never know when something might go wrong.

Windows Disk Cleanup

You can use Disk Cleanup to reduce the number of unnecessary files on your drives, which can help your PC run faster. It can delete temporary files and system files, empty the Recycle Bin, and remove a variety of other items that you might no longer need. ITS recommends to run Disk Cleanup about twice a month.

To delete files

The following procedure deletes files associated with your user account. You can also use Disk Cleanup to delete system files on your PC.

  1. To open Disk Cleanup from the desktop, Click Start, point to All Programs, Accessories, System Tools, and then Click Disk Cleanup.
  2. The Disk Cleanup dialog box should appear. It may take a while to detect which files can be deleted.
  3. In the Disk Cleanup dialog, select the checkboxes for the file types that you want to delete, Click OK, and then Click Delete files.
  4. The process may take a while to complete.

Как исправить maintenanceservice.exe

Чтобы избежать дальнейших проблем со службой поддержки Mozilla:

  1. Регулярно выполняйте сканирование на наличие вредоносных программ.
  2. Очистите жесткий диск с помощью системных инструментов, таких как Очистка диска (cleanmgr) и расширение Средство проверки системных файлов (ПФС / SCANNOW).
  3. Удалите ненужные программы.
  4. Управляйте программами запуска через Диспетчер задач.
  5. Включите автоматическое обновление системы.
  6. Регулярно создавайте резервные копии данных или устанавливайте точки восстановления.

Для решения серьезных проблем используйте Диспетчер задач и Монитор ресурсов для диагностики проблем. Восстановите систему, используя встроенные параметры восстановления или DISM инструмент, избегая полной переустановки ОС. Использовать для обеспечения безопасности для проверки и удаления любого потенциального вредоносного ПО.

Обновлено в мае 2024 г.:

Мы рекомендуем вам попробовать это новое программное обеспечение, которое исправляет компьютерные ошибки, защищает их от вредоносных программ и оптимизирует производительность вашего ПК. Этот новый инструмент исправляет широкий спектр компьютерных ошибок, защищает от таких вещей, как потеря файлов, вредоносное ПО и сбои оборудования.

  • Шаг 1: (Win 11, Win 10, 8, 8.1, 7, Vista — золотой сертификат Microsoft).
  • Шаг 2: Нажмите «Начать сканирование”, Чтобы найти проблемы реестра Windows, которые могут вызывать проблемы с ПК.
  • Шаг 3: Нажмите «Починить все», Чтобы исправить все проблемы.

Загрузите или переустановите maintenanceservice.exe

Это не рекомендуется загружать заменяемые exe-файлы с любых сайтов загрузки, так как они могут сами содержать вирусы и т. д. Если вам нужно скачать или переустановить maintenanceservice.exe, мы рекомендуем переустановить основное приложение, связанное с ним. Техническое обслуживание Mozilla.

Информация об операционной системе

Ошибки maintenanceservice.exe могут появляться в любых из нижеперечисленных операционных систем Microsoft Windows:

  • Windows 11
  • Windows 10
  • Windows 8.1
  • Windows 7
  • Windows Vista

Могу ли я удалить или удалить maintenanceservice.exe?

4% людей удаляют этот файл, поэтому он может быть безвредным.

Не удаляйте безопасный исполняемый файл, так как это может повлиять на связанные программы. Всегда обновляйте свое программное обеспечение, чтобы избежать проблем с поврежденными файлами. Регулярно проверяйте наличие обновлений драйверов и программного обеспечения.

Чтобы подтвердить безопасность подозрительных файлов, используйте инструмент системного анализа, например . Если эти инструменты идентифицированы как вредоносные, они могут удалить вредоносное ПО. Если файл Maintenanceservice.exe не представляет опасности и его необходимо удалить, воспользуйтесь программой его удаления, расположенной в папке «C:\Program Files\Mozilla Maintenance Service\uninstall.exe», или функцией «Установка и удаление программ» на панели управления Windows.

1. в Меню Пуск (для Windows 8 щелкните правой кнопкой мыши в нижнем левом углу экрана), нажмите Панель управления, а затем под Программы:
o Windows Vista / 7 / 8.1 / 10: нажмите Удаление программы.
o Windows XP: нажмите Установка и удаление программ.

2. Когда вы найдете программу Техническое обслуживание Mozillaщелкните по нему, а затем:
o Windows Vista / 7 / 8.1 / 10: нажмите Удалить.
o Windows XP: нажмите Удалить or Изменить / Удалить вкладка (справа от программы).

3. Следуйте инструкциям по удалению Техническое обслуживание Mozilla.


На самом деле, в появлении данной службы виноват сам браузер Firefox. Дело в том, что в новых операционных системах присутствует компонент под названием UAC, который при попытке пользователя установить что-либо на компьютер или внести изменения в настройки системы выдает соответствующий запрос, а иногда и требует администраторские права.

В процессе сбора информации, я выяснил про mozilla maintenance service, что это приложение отвечает за отключение службы контроля пользователей во время обновления браузера. В результате этого установка новой версии обозревателя происходит «бесшумно» и незаметно для человека, сидящего перед компьютером. После окончания процесса инсталляции файлов, служба UAC продолжает обычное функционирование.

Одним словом: служба maintenance service является совершенно безобидным для системы компонентом, на который можно просто не обращать внимание. Однако, если необходимо, его можно отключить или удалить, что никак не повлияет на стабильность работы браузера

Evolutionary maintenance

This type of maintenance is not meant to correct or prevent possible failures, but to develop the computing resources that are available.

As you might already know, dear reader, technology is always evolving, and that means that the tools available and the needs of users also change constantly. With evolutionary maintenance, we want to ensure that computer systems do not become obsolete, but remain updated in order to offer the users the best technology options, depending on the possibilities of each company and organization.

This type of maintenance will include everything from software update tasks to the complete replacement of equipment or systems, depending on the needs.

Why is Maintenance Important?

Now that we’ve answered what software maintenance is, let us find how this process can affect your business. Since maintenance is a part of post-production, why should business owners invest in maintaining and enhancing their software?

Bug fixing

Why is software maintenance required? Simple, to fix bugs once they occur. The main priority is to search out errors in the code and quickly correct them.  Who wants a mobile application that crashes every five minutes? Developers avoid these types of problems as much as possible and promptly resolve them when they occur. However, these fixes should not affect the rest of the functionalities of the software.

Client feedback

Where else can you identify improvements than in the feedback section? Users are the best data source for developers when it comes to issues and possible enhancements. Over time, clients will ask for new features or functions of your software. Remember that your software can be obsolete when it has nothing new to offer. Clients might scrap your software for better and more enhanced software in the market when that happens.

Market conditions

You should not only focus on technology trends when maintaining your software. You must also consider the changes in your market, mainly if your software targets a niche audience. Specific policies and constraints may arise along the way. If your software caters to a niche audience, these policies may ensue. An example is an investment and tax management application. Taxation changes over time; this triggers the need to modify the software for clients to continue using the application.

Modifications on the target host

When we say target host, we mean the platform or device where users might install the application. Almost every year, new computers and mobile devices are introduced in the market. Alongside the updates are system upgrades that can affect your software. That is why you need to make changes to ensure that your application is compatible with every operating system or hardware.

Remove outdated functions

When a function is of no use anymore due to system updates, you need to scrape them out of the software. Unwanted functionalities occupy space within the solution. This scenario can hurt the efficiency of your application. That is why you should remove old elements, and new tools and technologies must replace them. Software typically requires a lot of software reengineering.

How to Protect a Laptop Computer From Liquid Damage

Liquid damage to a computer typically falls under one of three main categories:

  • Beverages
  • Weather
  • Body fluids

How to Protect a Laptop From Damage Due to Beverages

Spilling a drink on a laptop can easily occur, particularly if the computer is being used in an area where beverages are being consumed.

A few tips for protecting a laptop from spills from a beverage include:

  • Avoid drinking beverages while using a laptop.
  • Ensure that others are not drinking beverages near the computer.
  • Store the laptop in an area that is separate from areas where beverages are served.

Alcoholic beverages, such as beer, and laptops do not mix well. Alcohol usually wins to the tune of replacing the computer. A wise practice includes storing a laptop away from any party settings.

How to Protect a Laptop From Damage Due to Weather

Perhaps classes may continue through rain, snow, sleet, and many other weather conditions, but it is important to protect a laptop from damage due to precipitation.

Tips for protecting a laptop from weather include:

  • Always use a carrying case to transport the laptop from one location to another.
  • Avoid placing a laptop near a window in a dorm room, apartment, home, or vehicle.
  • Avoid storing a laptop in a vehicle with the windows down if precipitation is likely.
  • Watch for and ensure that leaks in a roof are repaired promptly and that the laptop is not placed in areas where leaks are likely.
  • Store the laptop in a protective carrying case when not in use.
  • If possible, do not store a laptop in areas where flooding is likely.
  • Watch for sprinklers and other areas of artificial precipitation.

What to Do if a Laptop/Computer Becomes Wet

If a laptop becomes wet, acting quickly may help to prevent or limit the damage. First, follow manufacturer recommendations. Find a dry towel and/or paper towel, and wipe the moisture off the exterior of the machine. If the liquid is sticky, use a slightly damp towel or paper towel to clean the exterior surfaces. Some keyboards are spill-resistant, and the suggested position would be to leave the laptop open and place it on its side on a hard surface being careful not to cause it to fall over. Other manufacturers may suggest opening the computer and placing it face down on a hard, dry surface.

Basic warranties do not typically cover liquid damage to a laptop. Most computer manufacturers and some college campuses offer extra protection such as insurance for a college-issued computer. This may be a wise investment but is typically only offered on the date of purchase.

Carefully check the specifics of the laptop insurance policy to determine whether or not liquid damage is covered. Do not try to take the computer apart because doing so will void a warranty even if it covers liquid spills. Always inform the technical support department of the exact nature of the liquid spill to avoid any possibility of exposure to body fluids and place the computer in a leak-proof bag to avoid contaminating surfaces with bodily fluids.

Liquid Spill on Laptop – Good Practice, Bad Practice, and How to Avoid an Ugly Bill

Avoiding liquid damage to a laptop is certainly preferable, but if a laptop does become wet, quickly drying the machine and placing it in the best position to drain may minimize the damage. Purchasing extra protection may cover costs for repairing and/or replacing the laptop if necessary, and backing up data immediately may save time if all files are lost due to a liquid spill.

The different types of computer maintenance

IT maintenance has several aspects; these will very often be included in the same contract that binds you to your IT service provider.

Preventive computer maintenance

As its name suggests, it intervenes upstream, and its objective is to anticipate by maintaining the equipment carrying out checks to limit all technical incidents.

To be effective, it must be regular, specific (duration of the intervention, type of intervention, etc.), and scheduled on a fixed date.

Corrective computer maintenance

It’s maintenance… emergency! The aim is to restore the situation as quickly as possible following an incident that has affected the computer equipment (hardware, software, etc.)

It must be done as soon as possible to allow a rapid return to business plan activity. THEREFORE, your IT service provider must be able to take care of the problem remotely or on-site in record time and have a comprehensive approach.

Curative computer maintenance

While corrective maintenance strives to quickly resolve the breakdown, curative maintenance focuses on the root of the problems and malfunctions encountered.

For example, in the case of a puncture of a car tire, corrective maintenance would amount to using the anti-puncture spray, and the curative would replace the punctured tire with a new one.

The curative integrates the research and analysis of the causes to propose a lasting solution.

Scalable computer maintenance

It encompasses the work of permanent monitoring of the state of the computer park (capacity: memory, bandwidth), the necessary changes depending on the activity (investment in equipment, etc.) software updates (patches, patches, vendor maintenance, etc.

Советы и рекомендации

Следующие советы, как правило, не требуются, но некоторые пользователи могут счесть их полезными.

Используйте проверенные программные пакеты

Роллинг-релиз Arch даёт преимущество пользователям, которые хотят попробовать новейшие функции и получить последние обновления как можно скорее, но это может сделать обслуживание системы более трудным. Для упрощения технического обслуживания и повышения стабильности старайтесь избегать ультрасовременное программное обеспечение и устанавливайте только зрелые и проверенные программы. С ними меньше шансов получить проблемные обновления, такие как глобальные изменения настроек или удаление имеющихся возможностей. Предпочитайте программное обеспечение, которое имеет сильное и активное сообщество разработчиков, а также большое количество компетентных пользователей, чтобы упростить поддержку в случае возникновения проблем.

Избегайте использования тестового (testing) репозитория, даже отдельных пакетов из testing. Эти пакеты являются экспериментальными и не подходят для стабильной системы. Кроме того, избегайте разрабатываемых пакетов, которые собираются непосредственно из апстрима. Они обычно находятся в AUR и содержат в названии «dev», «devel», «svn», «cvs», «git» и т. п.

Установите пакет linux-lts

Пакет — альтернативный пакет ядра Arch, доступный в репозитории . Эта версия ядра имеет долгосрочную поддержку (LTS) от разработчиков ядра, в том числе исправления безопасности. Это будет полезным, если вы используете сторонние модули или если вы хотите иметь запасное ядро в случае, если новая версия ядра вызывает проблемы.

Чтобы сделать его доступным в качестве варианта загрузки, вам нужно будет обновить файл настроек вашего , добавив в него использование ядра LTS и соответствующего образа initramfs: и .

Automatic maintenance—daily wakeup

On Windows 7, a maintenance task runs exclusively during maintenance hour, defaulting to 3 AM, and configurable via Group Policy. The machine would wake up from standby, run maintenance tasks, and go back to sleep. This daily session was limited to a maximum duration of 1 hour per attempt. This would allow the system to perform maintenance daily, starting at 3 AM by default. Note that the user may re-schedule the time that the maintenance is triggered by configuring these settings.

With the advent of laptops, and the heavy focus on battery life, machines are no longer configured to allow S3 wakeup in most circumstances, and generally Doze-To-S4 (hibernate) as soon as possible, to save battery. In response to these changes, Task Scheduler (> Win7) runs maintenance tasks whenever they are due, and the machine is idle and on AC power.

This setting can be configured in Control Panel.

Open Control Panel > System and Security > Security and Maintenance > Automatic Maintenance.

So based on how your machines and your tasks are configured, the daily wakeup behavior may not occur today as expected because of this new configuration.
You can first determine whether your machine is S3 capable or CS (Connected Standby) capable.
This can be done by opening an elevated power shell prompt, and running the following command.

Maintenance hour, if the machine is configured correctly, still works, but if it doesn’t,

  • Check your BIOS settings for Wake settings.
  • Check whether Allow Wake Timer is enabled in Power Options.
    Go to Control Panel > Hardware and Sound > Power Options > Edit Plan Settings > Change advanced power settings > click Sleep > Allow Wake Timer.
  • Check whether your scheduled task is configured with following.
    • MaintenanceSettings: Task should be configured with Period, Deadline.
    • Enabled: Task should be enabled.
    • WakeToRun: Task should be allowed to wake the machine.
  • For scheduling wakes from CS, the machine should be AOAC capable.
  • For scheduling wakes in S3 machines,
    • Check whether the machine went into S3 on AC Power.
    • The system should have Wake Enabled in Group Policy for Maintenance.

Connected Standby is the system state that an AOAC-compliant system can enter.

See differences between Modern Standby and S3 in the topic Modern Standby vs S3.

System maintenance – the scope and nature of the job

No matter how well-made a piece of software is, there’ll always be some unexpected problems that can come up after launching version 1.0. Sometimes it has to do with a rare, fringe use case that the developers didn’t account for, other times it’s caused by changing technologies – or simply your business adapting to the changes in the market. Around 60% of the life cycle costs of software come from maintaining or improving the solution down the line – most of it has to do with changing requirements, but costs generated by bug fixing are still substantial. 

The important thing to remember here is that system maintenance only refers to the system itself, the parts of which should be clearly defined in the contract (so-called SLA – Service Level Agreement). The company that provides the service shouldn’t be held responsible for problems caused by factors outside its purview – such as other systems that the software is integrated with.

Another important detail is that the responsibility of the service provider is limited to specific hours defined in the contract – it’s a guarantee that the system will work in these hours. There are also other things that should be included in the SLA, such as the reaction time, the way the software is monitored, accepted resolutions and consequences of failure (in case the specialists aren’t able to fix the issue, despite trying).

Types of system maintenance

Source: Business2community.

The system maintenance that I define in this article is sometimes categorized as “corrective maintenance” by experts. It should be noted, however, that there are several other types of such services. In my personal experience, some of these theoretical definitions cover activities that don’t always get recognized as “maintenance” in practice, but they’re still worth mentioning for the sake of being thorough. Here’s the general categorization:

  • Corrective maintenance – This is what I’ve already described and what usually gets recognized as maintenance, i.e. correcting problems and taking care of various issues that arise and bug the software out.
  • Adaptive maintenance – This includes making changes to the software, hardware, updating documentation and even organizational policies to make the system work better. It’s a scenario that can happen when the environment your system runs in – or at least an important part of it, like an operating system or a cloud storage service – changes in considerable ways.
  • Perfective maintenance – It’s all about making modifications, updating and evolving the features of your system. At Pretius, we usually don’t associate this type of service with maintenance. Instead, we call it “continuous development” (and we’re not the only ones who do that). However, there’s no debate that improving the software and/or technology behind it can reduce the number of problems that the users encounter.
  • Preventive maintenance – These are changes and adaptations that allow the system to work for a longer time than it normally would because of software limitations, technological debt, and general deterioration – in this case, we’re kind of trying to foresee the future.
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