

Pixble stands as one of the most advanced tools in this area, renowned for its precise and compelling deepfake imagery. Utilizing AI to detect and accurately map facial details, Pixble crafts 3D face replacements that excel in precision and realism.

Even when dealing with images taken at unconventional angles or sideways, Pixble delivers convincingly realistic results. Though usage of the tool is free, there is a fee associated with the end result.

Top Features of Pixble:

  • AI-based face detection: Uses AI to detect and map facial details accurately.
  • 3D face replacement: Creates precise and realistic 3D face swaps.
  • Angle versatility: Handles images taken at different angles or sideways.
  • Quality results: Delivers convincingly realistic face swaps.

Онлайн-аналог Face Swap на ПК

К сожалению, точной копии приложения Face Swap для компьютера нет, и разработчики по этому поводу молчат. Зато есть приближенный и бесплатный аналог, пользоваться которым можно прямо через браузер. Для этого зайдите в веб-обозреватель на сайт Это онлайн-сервис на ПК, сборник эффектов для снимков, который позволяет делать своп.

Далеко не все предоставленные композиции на сайте позволят вам сделать обмен лицами. Найдите на сайте строку поиска и введите «Face Swap». Будет найден один фильтр, через который вы сможете из двух фотографий сделать одну. «Фотофания» весьма ограничена и не позволит вам в режиме реальной съемки быстро заменять лица, но если хотите поиздеваться над снимками друзей, онлайн-сервиса для компьютера вам будет достаточно.


От пользователя требуется всего лишь свободное время, а хорошее настроение и веселье – гарантируется.

Функционал приложения

С программой Face Swap, скачанной для Windows, любой из нас сможет:

  1. редактировать селфи и фото;
  2. посредством главной опции, производить смену лиц и их расположения;
  3. достичь высокого качества сохранения полученных фотографий;
  4. в полной мере использовать возможность создания облачных хранилищ с готовыми работами;
  5. обеспечить привязку профиля к социальным сетям и, тем самым, получить шанс делиться интересными фото, пользоваться ими, как аватаром;
  6. доступность сохранения достигнутых результатов посредством видео в формате высокого разрешения;
  7. возможность поиска интересующих фото в Интернете с целью обработки собственных картинок.

Пользуясь такой платформой, даже рядовые любители смогут справиться с задачами оформления фотожаб и мотиваторов любой сложности. Пользователи, желающие почувствовать вкус создания смешных картинок, мемов и пабликов в соцсетях, будут «на коне».

Установка программы на компьютер

Учитывая возможность получения подробного инструктажа, с запуском программы справится любой «чайник». Для выполнения интересующей операции, потребуются такие манипуляции:

Похожие приложения


Заполучите Фейс Свап на свой компьютер — и получите в награду приложение высокого качества, достойное профессионалов. К аргументам в пользу этой программы стоит причислить:

  • удобство яркого и динамичного интерфейса, понятного на интуитивном уровне;
  • широту функционала;
  • оперативность реагирования и возможность исключения неполадок и прочих неприятностей, нередко возникающих в процессе функционирования;
  • удобство использования тем, фильтров и тегов для опции поиска интересующих картинок;
  • минимум системных требований;
  • сохранение фотографий и видеозаписей, дополненное возможностью повышения их качества;
  • малый вес;
  • почти стопроцентное избавление от доната и надоедливой рекламы.
  • растущая востребованность Face Swap;
  • уверенное положение программы на лидирующих позициях популярности скачивания;
  • географии распространённости (весь мир);
  • число загрузок в несколько миллионов.


Пользователь может быть абсолютно уверен: программа не таит в себе серьёзных недостатков. Правда, у новичков, не имеющих опыта оперирования готовыми работами и профессионального перехода, могут возникать некоторые трудности, которые исчезнут с приобретением навыков.

Ошибки и их решения

При проблемах с запуском Face Swap или её работой на компьютере или ноутбуке, не волнуйтесь. Причиной этому — выпуск обновлений для приложения. Создатели постоянно развивают свои программы и выпускают новые версии. Поэтому нужно просто обновить ее.

Системные требования

  • Процессор Intel Pentium III с тактовой частотой 1200 MHz или более мощный (пойдет на любом процессоре, которому менее 10 лет);
  • Оперативная память от 1 Гб или больше;
  • Свободное место на жёстком диске от 71 Мб;
  • Архитектура с разрядностью 32 бит или 64 бит (x86 или x64);
  • Операционная система Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 все работает и на Windows XP SP3;

Видео — обзор Face Swap

Не думайте, что возможности приложения ограничены вышеперечисленным. Любой пользователь может научиться решать с помощью программы массу других задач, на которые только способна его фантазия.

С таким приложением для компьютера, как Face Swap, можно легко и быстро справиться с вопросами редактирования фото в режиме настоящего времени. Достигнутые результаты будут сохранены с гарантией высокого качества. Притом, нашим сайтом строго контролируется контент (на наличие вирусов), что полностью исключает риск опасности от скачанных устройств. Сотрудничество с нами откроет пользователю доступ к самым лучшим программам и софту для каждого случая жизни. У нас всегда есть чем порадовать пользователя, так как в ассортименте обязательно найдётся что-то новенькое и оригинальное.

Face Swap By BasedLabs

BasedLabs AI Face Swapper, a platform leveraging sophisticated AI technology, offers users highly realistic face swaps. Utilizing advanced algorithms, the platform ensures each swap maintains a natural appearance, free from evident signs of digital manipulation.

Designed for a range of applications from casual entertainment to creative projects, the tool’s user-friendly interface facilitates swaps with exceptional authenticity. This level of precision in the face-swapping process is a testament to the evolving capabilities of AI in the realm of digital image processing.

The platform’s advanced AI algorithms skillfully blend facial features, lighting, and expressions to create impactful and believable results.

Top Features of Face Swap:

  • Intuitive Design: Streamlines the deepfake creation process.
  • Remarkable Precision: Achieves significant accuracy in face-swapping tasks.
  • Versatile Compatibility: Operates seamlessly across various platforms, including desktop and mobile.
  • Prompt output: Generates immediate results, download images fast.


HITFILM EXPRESS is a free popular video editing software for Windows and MacOS. Apart from editing videos, it can also be used to swap face in video. To do that, it provides Transform tools like Scale, Rotation, Position, etc. Besides this, it also offers important editing tools such as Bland, Slice, Ripple Delete Object, Timeline Editor, etc. After editing and swapping face in video, this video editor lets you export the final video in MP4, AVI, and in some online platform specific formats like Facebook, Vimeo, etc.

How to swap face in video using HITFILM EXPRESS:

  • Open the interface of this software and create a new project and then specify project parameters like project name, resolution, frame rate, etc.
  • After that, load both video and face image in this software by using the Import option. All loaded media files will appear in the Media section.
  • Now, press the New button present in the Media section to create a Composite Shot.
  • Next, drop the video in the composite shot timeline. Similarly, drop the face image over the composite shot timeline on a track above the video track.
  • Double-click on the face image track to get Transform, Mask, Effects, and other menus.
  • Open the Transform menu to get Position, Scale, Opacity, and other tools. And then, enable the keyframe (circle) button associated with each Transform tool.
  • Now, you can start adjusting the position of face image using transform tools.
  • After correctly setting the face image position in one frame, move to the next frame and repeat the previous steps to set the position of the face image throughout the video timeline.
  • Lastly, move to the Export section and export the video.

Additional Features:

  • Effects: In this software, you can find many video effects (color correction, color tint, greyscale, etc.) which you can easily apply over any video file.
  • History: This feature helps you view and jump to previous editing steps made by you during the editing process.
  • Plugin Support: For this software, you can find many external plugins which you can import in this software to add new features.


In this free version of HITFILM EXPRESS, you do not get some tools like puppet tools, audio visualization, doppler shift, etc.

Final Thoughts:

It is an advanced video editing software which is also quite good for face swapping in a video.

Note: You need to create an FXHOME account to get the download link of this software. Plus, it is also necessary for you to activate this software using the correct login credentials to avoid watermark on output videos.

FAQs on Face Swap AI

Here are the most frequently asked questions about Face Swap.

1. How can I face swap for free?

You can use one of the online tools listed above such as Vidnoz to make content for free.

2. Are these online tools and apps safe?

Yes, these face-changing sites and apps listed above are all safe. You can use them to create funny photos and videos without worrying about your safety.

3. Is it legal to swap faces?

It depends. Face swap is only legal when there’s no wrong use in infringing others’ rights. Anyone can use it to create entertaining videos for no commercial use.

4. Can AI generate fake human faces?

AI can scan your face and can use the face data to create face-swapped photos and videos by replacing other people’s faces with yours.

The Bottom Line

Face swap is a fun way to gain followers on social media platforms. You can makefunny videos and photos using the apps and online tools listed above. If you want to create videos that will go viral and draw traffic easily, you can make use of the video automation tool from Vidnoz. Try it for free!

Vidnoz AI — Create Free Engaging AI Video with Talking Avatar

  • Easily create professional AI videos with realistic avatars.
  • Text-to-speech lip sync voices of different languages.
  • 900+ video templates for multiple scenarios.

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How To Face Swap In Stable Diffusion

There are many methods for swapping faces in Stable Diffusion such as using ControlNet, LoRA models, random names, and using extensions. 

In fact, I’ve covered most of these methods in this guide to showcase how you can generate consistent faces in Stable Diffusion. 

But for swapping faces, I recommend using the ReActor extension which lets you quickly swap faces in Stable Diffusion. 

There’s another similar extension for face swapping called Roop but that has now been discontinued and ReActor is the best option out there now. 

So, let’s see how to face swap in Sable Diffusion using the ReActor extension: 

Install ReActor Extension 

First, we’ll have to install the ReActor extension in Stable Diffusion. The extension is available for both Automatic1111 and ComfyUI. 

For this guide, I’ll be using Automatic1111 as it’s the most preferred Stable Diffusion WebUI. 

Step 1. In your Automatic1111 WebUI, go to Extensions > Install from URL. 

Enter this URL –

Step 2. Click on the Install button and the ReActor extension will be installed. Once it’s successfully installed, close your webui-user.bat and restart it to restart Stable Diffusion. 

If you’re facing any problems installing ReActor, make sure you have Visual Studio 2022 or VS C++ Build Tools installed on your computer. 

I had a few errors installing this extension so I recommend checking out their which is quite extensive and also has some troubleshooting for some common errors people face during installation. 

Set Up ReActor Extension 

Once ReActor is installed, we’ll now set it up to begin the face swapping process. 

Step 3. In Automatic1111, go to the txt2img tab and you’ll find a new ReActor tab. Click on the checkbox to enable the extension. 

Step 4. Now, upload the image of the face you want to swap. 

To get the most accurate face swap, make sure the face image you upload is clear and close up. 

Step 5. In the ReActor extension settings, check the Face Mask Correction option. 

Swap Your Face

Now, we’ll write a prompt to generate a new image with your uploaded face on it. 

Step 6. In the prompt box, write a positive and a negative prompt for your image. 

Here are the positive and negative prompts I’m using: 

Positive Prompt: 


Negative Prompt: 


Step 7. In the image generation settings, set the following settings as shown below: 

Generation Settings:

  • Image Size: 512x768px 
  • Sampler: DPM++ 2M SDE Heun Karras
  • Steps: 30 
  • CFG Scale: 6

Step 8. Now, choose a checkpoint model for your image. I’m using the epicphotogasm checkpoint model which is great at generating realistic images. 

Step 9. Finally, click on the Generate button and create a new face swap image. 

Here are the output images: 

Fixing & Upscaling The Image

The face-swapped images we generated are very blurry which is not impressive. That’s because the face swapping model in the ReActor extension or any other face swapping extension uses a 128px model which is low quality. 

Step 10. To fix the blurriness in the image, click on the CodeFormer option in the Restore Face setting you’ll find in the ReActor extension. 

Step 11. Generate the image again and you’ll notice the blurriness has gone completely and the images look stunning with our swapped faces on them. 

But we can make them look even better by upscaling our generated image. You can use the Extras tab in Automatic1111 to upscale your image. 

But the ReActor extension has a built-in upscaling option which is better when you’re swapping faces in Stable Diffusion. 

Step 12. Click on the Upscale tab in the ReActor extension and enable the Face Restore & Upscale option. 

Step 13. Choose an upscaler from the dropdown. I recommend using the R-ESRGAN 4x+ or 4x_NMKD-Siax_200k upscalers. 

Step 14. Set the Scale By option to whatever amount you want to upscale the image to. I recommend upscaling the image to 2x or 4x. 

Now, when you generate the image again, your images will have no blurriness and will be upscaled to a very high quality. 

That’s how you can swap faces in Stable Diffusion using the ReActor extension. 

Here is another example of a face swap in Stable Diffusion using Kaley Cuoco’s face:

Again, I used the same settings as before:

Recommended: How To Run Stable Diffusion On Android

How to Make Your Swapped Face Talk

Face swap is definitely the best thing you can get from the new AI era. Try making videos with AI faces, let them read the texts you input with emotions, gestures, and facial expressions. You must have Vidnoz AI to generate an AI face from your or your friends’ selfies and make funny videos to prank them. Let’s take a glance at how to make a talking head/photo video with the swapped face in 1 minute!

Step 1. Go to Vidnoz. This AI video generator app works well on both mobile phones and PCs.

Try It Free Now Sign in with

Step 2. Click Avatars and then Talking Photo. Upload a face-swapped picture to create a talking photo. You can also change the voice and language you wish the Emma Stone version of Rose to speak.

Step 3. Now it is time to input text to let your AI face read aloud. You can also add more details on this talking photo, such as text, pause, speed, etc. You can also add music or other effects. 

Why Vidnoz AI Produces the Best for Making AI Talking Face Videos?

  • Upload your photo to create an AI face, and let it speak
  • 200+ other virtual, good-looking faces are offered, ranging from anime faces to real faces
  • Multiple AI voices to let your AI face speak the right language and accent
  • All types of video templates to suit all scenarios

Create Your AI Talking Avatar — FREE

  • 800+ realistic AI avatars of different races
  • Vivid lip-syncing AI voices & gestures
  • Support 140+ languages with multiple accents

Create an AI Avatar

What is Face Swap?

Face swap is a simple term for Deepfake. Deepfake technology has been around for some time, and the name refers both to the method by which they are made, but also to the images resulting from the process. It is a combination of two terms, deep learning (the technique used in artificial intelligence that helps computers learn by example) and fake, which you realize on your own.

The face swap process manipulates facial expressions or swap faces. Face swapping is mainly performed on videos and videos. In short, through a dedicated tool, you can interchange your face or some facial attributes with another person. For now, this kind of tool is for our own amusement and the results are hilarious, but in the future and even now from time to time, it will generate fake news, if no measures are taken to protect the identity.

Also read: A Tutorial On How To Draw A Realistic Face With DeepFaceDrawing

Как включить Face Swap через компьютер

Запуск приложения Face Swap на компьютере

  • Рекомендуется загружать эмулятор на компьютер прямо с официальной страницы. Ни за что платить не понадобится.
  • После загрузки и элементарной установки через стандартный мастер инсталляции, вам нужно будет отыскать Face Swap в Google Play.
  • Далее скачаете его на ПК, запустите внутри эмулятора и сможете вытворять все, что вздумается.

Дабы немного вдохновиться перед тем, как изменить свое лицо на PC, посмотрите нарезку веселых свопов, приведенных ниже:

Востребованность фоторедакторов и других схожих по функционалу приложений обуславливается огромной популярностью социальных сетей. Вы могли замечать, как современные люди делают себе фотографии для личного профиля. Большая часть таких снимков однообразна, а повальное отсутствие оригинальности наводит на посетителей соцсетей скуку. Фейс Свап и многие другие его коллеги по цеху предлагают своим пользователям арсенал уникальных опций и возможностей, которые помогут создать самое оригинальное и красивое фото. Нельзя не упомянуть и веселье, которые вы получаете благодаря многочисленным функциям по замене лиц или всевозможным маскам, превращающим вас в волшебных зверей или сказочных героев.

Что люди говорят о нас?

Более 5000 пользователей оценили приложение Deepswap для редактирования лиц на всех основных платформах.

Andrew Wiggins

The deepswap ai is so good and I enjoy using it and I will use it forever! Hope more people use this!

Aughust Cole

This site is truly a remarkable and amazing experience, i would definitely recommend it to people whom like praying pranks on their friends and have creative face editors that can make things more interesting and intriguing. highly recommended this Site.


Good quality AI face editor app. It’s constantly improving, and the company doesn’t really brag or let you know. You just notice it as time goes on. Website isn’t fancy looking, but everything you need is there and organized nicely.


Amazing face editor site! fast easy and works great! defiantly recommend for people that search for an easy deep face option!! worth the price.

Frank Price

When I stumbled across this AI face morph website I was dumbfound on hoe easy it was to be able to deep swap I have really enjoyed using this face editor app and would recommend it to friends.

Ilithiel XD

This face editor online app is so advanced. Anything I swapped so far look like the person good quality. Fast process, no queues and the fact that u can use any video and face makes it the best. Change faces on videos and pictures make all much better but again the quality is top.

Dan L

My expectations were blown away. I mean, good god. Easy to use, surprisingly effective AI face editor app, the pictures came out clean. Would use again.

george george

great product to swap faces at your leisure and get funny results from these swaps highly recommend trying out for yourself it is super fun yes.

Andrew Wiggins

The deepswap ai is so good and I enjoy using it and I will use it forever! Hope more people use this!

Aughust Cole

This site is truly a remarkable and amazing experience, i would definitely recommend it to people whom like praying pranks on their friends and have creative face editors that can make things more interesting and intriguing. highly recommended this Site.


Good quality AI face editor app. It’s constantly improving, and the company doesn’t really brag or let you know. You just notice it as time goes on. Website isn’t fancy looking, but everything you need is there and organized nicely.


Amazing face editor site! fast easy and works great! defiantly recommend for people that search for an easy deep face option!! worth the price.

Frank Price

When I stumbled across this AI face morph website I was dumbfound on hoe easy it was to be able to deep swap I have really enjoyed using this face editor app and would recommend it to friends.

Ilithiel XD

This face editor online app is so advanced. Anything I swapped so far look like the person good quality. Fast process, no queues and the fact that u can use any video and face makes it the best. Change faces on videos and pictures make all much better but again the quality is top.

Как установить Face swap на Windows

Программа, которая меняет лица, теперь доступна и для компьютера, однако стоит отметить, что в настоящий момент не существует абсолютной копии этого приложения на домашний персональный компьютер, однако существует весьма схожая по своему функционалу и разнообразию заготовленных шаблонов копия.

Даже, несмотря на данную недоработку разработчиков приложения — насладиться прекрасными моментами искажая свой облик и лица друзей можно через . Этот эмулятор позволяет устанавливать приложения, разработанные для мобильных платформ на домашний пк. Для того чтобы установить программу на пк требуется:

Скачать Face Swap для компьютера рекомендуется всем, кто любит экспериментировать с фотографиями, редактировать, создавать что-то новое и уникальное. Программа призвана изменять различные фото путем замены лиц изображенных на нем существ (людей и животных), что позволяет не только весело провести несколько свободных часов, но и сделать необычные забавные селфи или даже создать целую коллекцию необычных картинок со спецэффектами.

How to Make a Face Swap

Difference face apps features difference facial image generation process. So, here we take Deepswap face swap online generator as an example to show you how such app creates a face morph.

The Deepswap app’s user interface is designed to be easy and intuitive. And you can make a faceswap in merely 3 simple steps.

Step 1. Upload a Video/ Photo/ GIF

You can alter the faces in videos, pictures, and GIFs by submitting the files to the online face swap generator. Just click Upload File button and submit a media file you want to swap face on. Also, you can upload a long video in HD quality up to 10 min.

Step 2. Choose a New Face

Select a new face you want the generator to use. Click Add Face and upload an image with the target face you like. Or you can choose a face from the history below. Deepswap will recognize it.

Step 3. Generate a Faceswap File

Click Face Swap button and Deepswap will start applying AI algorithms and generate your faceswap file. After that, download the refaced video, image, or animated GIF by clicking Save button.

Just give it a go. And you can have a quick access to Deepswap face swap generator via the button below.

Функционал программы

Face swap на пк выполняет те же функции, что и на мобильном устройстве, однако теперь приложением можно наслаждаться на более широком экране. В общих чертах перед началом работы приложению требуется определить контуры вашего лица, что программа выполняет в автоматическом режиме сразу после загрузки.

Далее из предложенного списка готовых шаблонов необходимо определиться с наиболее подходящим и наслаждаться полученным результатом. Если в кадр попадает одновременно несколько человек, то результат окажется наиболее смехотворным и уморительным, ведь программа в автоматическом режиме сможет произвести обмен лицами, что создает полную путаницу.

Дети с растительностью на лице, молодежь с лицом пожилых людей, девушка, которая имеет тело парня, животные, лица различных национальностей, изменение геометрических параметров лица, облик президента — всё это является нормой для такого забавного приложения.

Отличительная особенность данной программы заключается в том, что обмен лицами можно производить как в режиме реального времени, так и изменяя фотографии, загруженные из галереи, а также скаченные фотографии из аккаунтов социальных сетей.

Way 7. Change Your Pics and Vids in the Deepfake Photo Editor

Want to take face swapping to a new level? Try using the magic of artificial intelligence. With sophisticated algorithms and deep learning, an AI accurately detects and tracks facial features for a seamless face replacement. You can perform such a task using web-based AI face swap tools like Deepswap, Icons8 Face Swapper, and Pixble. If you prefer desktop programs, opt for Faceswap, a deepfake software for Windows and Linux. This free face swap app creates realistic videos with new faces using neural networks. It’s not that difficult to use Faceswap, just follow our lead and enjoy the classy results.

Step 1. Add Your Videos

For starters, extract the faces from the footage — add the video with the person whose face you’re going to replace as Input Dir. The program will take screenshots of different facial expressions and save them in the folder you select as Output Dir. Then create another folder and repeat the steps with the second video to extract the face you want to apply.

The program identifies facial expressions in the imported video

Step 2. Adjust the Face Swap Folders

To create a natural-looking face swap on your PC, train the app in face replacement first. Go to the Train tab, select the folder with the first video screenshots as Input A, and set the other folder as Input B. Now make a directory for generating the new face and set it as Model Dir. Then adjust the Timelapse — choose the folders with the original photos, create a new Output folder. Now click Train to start the training session. It might take hours or even days depending on the length of the video.

Stop the session when you’re happy with the results displayed in the preview

Step 3. Complete Face Swapping

Once the training process is over, open the Convert tab. Set the first video as Input Dir and the new video — as Model Dir. Finally, hit Convert to finish the face replacement in this deepfake photo editor.

Wait till the video with the swapped face gets loaded

The program’s automatic tools make the face swap for PC especially simple. Besides, Faceswap allows you to create deepfake images and videos for free. Still, you will have to go through a long process of trial and error to figure out how this photo face change software works.

Now you know 7 ways to swap faces in a picture. Some swap makers are easy as pie and do quite decent job, while others require some skill and dedication, but grant you a jaw-dropping effect. If you are looking for something in between, then go with PhotoWorks. This software finds the balance between an easy approach and a pro-level result. All of this makes PhotoWorks simply one of the best face swap software for PC.

Listed: 10 Best AI Face Swap Tools

1. Vidnoz

Try it here:


  • Quick and easy process
  • Supports both images and videos
  • No need to install any software; web-based


  • Limited customization options
  • Watermark in the free version


Free with watermark, premium plans start at $9.99/month


  • Swap faces in images and videos
  • Web-based, no installation required
  • Bulk swapping available

2. BasedLabs

Give it a shot over at:


  • Ease of Use: The intuitive interface makes face swapping effortless, even for users with no prior experience. Uploading media, selecting faces, and applying the swap is a smooth and straightforward process.
  • High-Quality Results: BasedLabs produces impressive results, with realistic and seamless face swaps that often appear uncanny in their accuracy. The tool effectively blends facial features, lighting, and expressions, making the swaps believable and engaging.
  • Creative Versatility: Beyond simple face swapping, BasedLabs offers a range of features that unlock creative possibilities. You can swap faces with celebrities, animals, or even inanimate objects, and further customize the results with various filters and effects.


  • Limited Free Plan: The free plan restricts users to a handful of face swaps per month and low-resolution outputs. Upgrading to a paid plan unlocks unlimited swaps, higher resolutions, and additional features.
  • Potential for Misuse: Like any powerful tool, face swapping technology can be misused to create harmful or misleading content. It’s important to use the tool responsibly and ethically, considering the potential consequences of your creations.


  • 100 free credits
  • Then $12 to $ 28 per month


Official website:


  • Advanced AI algorithms for realistic swaps
  • High-resolution output
  • Batch processing capabilities


  • Requires a learning curve
  • Free version has limitations


Free with limitations, premium starts at $12.99/month


  • AI-powered realistic swaps
  • High-res output up to 4K
  • Batch swapping and multi-face swapping

4. Icons8

Try it over at:


  • User-friendly interface
  • Quick processing
  • No download required


  • Limited customization
  • Free version includes watermarks


Free with watermarks, premium starts at $19/month


  • Web-based application
  • Swap faces in GIFs and videos
  • Easy sharing options

5. Unboring

Provided by, Unboring is a great option.


  • Super realistic face-swapping
  • Wide range of templates
  • Easy sharing to social media


  • Watermark on the free version
  • Some templates require premium access


Free version available, premium starts at $4.99/month


  • High-quality, realistic face swaps
  • Extensive selection of templates
  • One-click social media sharing

6. Fotor


  • Simple drag-and-drop interface
  • Compatible with multiple formats
  • Basic features are free to use


  • Limited advanced editing tools
  • Premium features locked behind a paywall


Free for basic features, premium starts at $8.99/month


  • Drag-and-drop face swapping
  • Multi-format support (JPEG, PNG, etc.)
  • Quick social media sharing options

7. Pixble


  • User-friendly interface
  • Real-time face swap previews
  • Offers both manual and automatic adjustments


  • Limited free version
  • May require in-app purchases for additional features


Free to start, in-app purchases vary


  • Real-time preview
  • Manual and automatic face adjustment
  • Single-click sharing options

8. Pica AI


  • Mobile-friendly app
  • Easy-to-use interface
  • Quick processing time


  • Limited to mobile devices
  • In-app purchases for premium features


Free with in-app purchases


  • Face-swapping in selfies and videos
  • Filters and effects
  • Quick sharing options to social media



  • High-quality output
  • Real-time face swapping
  • Supports live streaming


  • May require a strong internet connection
  • Subscription needed for premium features


Freemium model, premium starts at $15/month


  • Real-time face swapping on live streams
  • Supports various video formats
  • Cloud-based service

10. Face Swapper


  • High-quality face swapping
  • User-friendly interface
  • Real-time preview


  • Limited customization options
  • No mobile app


Free to use, premium features at $9.99/month


  • Swap faces between images
  • Real-time preview capabilities
  • Advanced AI algorithms for realistic results
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;-) :| :x :twisted: :smile: :shock: :sad: :roll: :razz: :oops: :o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :grin: :evil: :cry: :cool: :arrow: :???: :?: :!: